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Have you ever wanted to perform with The Syracuse Orchestra on stage at the Crouse Hinds Theater? Now’s your chance! Join us for our Community Side by Side concert, featuring a mix of professional musicians from The Syracuse Orchestra and members of the community (like you!).


  • Adults 18 and older are welcome to apply. No professional experience is required, and the program is suitable for multiple skill levels.
  • The program includes social time to get to know musicians from The Syracuse Orchestra, and enjoy dinner together.
  • Limited spots available for Wind, Brass, Percussion, Harp, and Keyboard. If spots are full for your instrument, a waitlist will be created and you will be contacted if a seat opens up.
  • The deadline to register is Friday, March 7, at 3:30 PM.
  • Attending the rehearsal is required to participate in the concert. (schedule below)
  • Registration fee is $125. All are welcome at The Syracuse Orchestra, and financial assistance is available!
  • Registration fee includes a pre-concert dinner and 1 complimentary ticket for a guest to attend the concert. Additional concert tickets can be purchased through our website (click the “Buy Tickets” button on this page) or by calling our box office (315-299-5598, Mon-Fri 9:30-3:30)
  • We expect sheet music to be available electronically no later than Friday, February 28th.
  • Participants may choose from two options for concert attire:
    • Option 1: Business suit or sport coat and dress trousers, long tie, dark shoes, long dark socks.
    • Option 2: Street length dress or dress pants ensemble, long or short sleeve top (not sleeveless and skirts must cover the knees). Dress shoes; plain dress hosiery (colors allowed).

March 30, 2025
2:00-4:30PM – Rehearsal at Crouse Hinds Theater
4:30-6:00PM – Dinner for participants and The Syracuse Orchestra musicians
7:30PM – Concert


GLINKA: Ruslan and Ludmilla
O’LOUGHLIN: Art of Racing in the Rain
BIZET: Selections from L’Arlésienne
POWELL/O’LOUGHLIN: How to Train Your Dragon
DVORAK: Symphony No. 9 (“New World Symphony”) – Mvt. 4 Only

Please complete the form below in order to register as a participant.